Daily Activity 20 (ENG)

Wednesday, October 16, 2019.
Nineteenth day of practice in semester 5. We re-make Makanan Kekinian based on the Black Sticky Tape, some of my friends make their Products back because of failure at the level difficult of making or taste is one of the causes of failure.

I also helped re-make Mousse and focused on the improvement, helped by Eri and Andini. This time I also got a lot of obstacles from yesterday, maybe I'm a little overwhelmed by the many interventions because I'm used to making anything by myself. After being chilled, Mousse did not set it completely, apparently the cause was that the gelatin I used had been mixed with sugar starting from a few days ago. Finally I decided not to show it to Mr. Ical. After that I switched to making Mille Crepes with Cendol taste with Dwiki, Fikriyyah, Putri, Daniel, and Azriel.

Today we made the Dough first with a strong pandanus taste. After that we made fillings with whip cream, coconut cream, and melted palm sugar then arranged and stored in a chiller using a bowl so that the surface of the Mille Crepe is convex, this is just my thoughts that I poured. The next day is the final touch from Mille Crepe.

Thank you for reading!


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