Daily Activity 14 (ENG)

Monday, September 30, 2019.
The thirteenth day of practice in semester 5. The first week after yesterday's Mid Test. Today we carry out GC morning because many were absent from last week's kajian. Continue with Prepared Lobster for tomorrow.

For Plating Lobster this time, we formed a new group, so I was with Fikriyyah, Linda Sari, Dwiki Alvabdy, Daniel, Yusri, Azriel, and Putri Aulia who were unable to attend. After discussing and doing some assessments, we finally get the right theme. Today I prepared carrot sauce and green pea sauce while towing Lobster then marinate. I didn't do much preparation, because some of the condiments were processed tomorrow to come out fresh. After that we do GC before going home.

Here are some of the documentation that I had done today. Thank you for reading!


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